What I’m Lovin’ in March

I was really hoping to kick the new year off to a great start, but here we are…three months into the new year and I’m finally posting a “monthly” list. You can’t win ’em all, right?

Many of the things I’m sharing with you this month are things I’m actually very much disliking, but I felt the need to share them with you nonetheless. I’m fighting the urge to write off 2022 altogether so hang with me.

Since I haven’t said it yet, I wanted to take the chance to wish you a happy [belated] new year – I truly hope the remainder of your year is filled with moments to love and cherish. ❤

 1. Andy & I got COVID.

I was vaccinated and boosted and we’ve remained extra cautious, and it still sucked.

Our contraction finally made me give up my fabric masks and find a disposable version that doesn’t fog my glasses too bad*.

 2. These tips on what to say to someone who has lost a loved one.

Lord I wish these tips weren’t so relevant.

I always struggle with wanting to say something but also wanting to avoid saying the wrong thing. I crave authentic connections. I want my people to hear my heart when I speak to them in moments like this. These tips helped.

 3. Amy Nicole’s Blanca Julep Tee

It’s making me reconsider setting my knitting needles down (for far too long).

4. Dopamine Dressing

I stumbled across this combination of words via Katie Kortman (the sewing world’s Queen of Wear Happy Color). Now I feel validated for telling a colleague her shoes were happy in the bathroom a few weeks ago (not that I’ve been ruminating over how awkward I am since spouting that out).

5. Helping the People of Ukraine

If you’re looking for reputable places to send donations to help the people of Ukraine, CBS News put together a great list and so did Katie Couric Media.

Thank you for reading along & being a part of my community. ❤

{Catch up on all of my monthly What I’m Lovin’ posts here.}

*This post may contain affiliate links. If you use the link to make a purchase, I may receive a small compensation at no additional charge to you. 

Author: Jordan Slice-Metcalfe

My name is Jordan. I'm a full-time working mom whose coffee cup is always half full (and probably still in the microwave). I've got a weak spot for rescuing old dogs, pretending pizza is a vegetable, negotiating dessert with every meal, propagating more plants than any home needs, dreaming of sewing projects while my husband is talking to me, and loving my tribe too deep.

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